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Anasphere Plus™ attaches itself to the cell membrane and destroys it. The formula is engineered to be positively charged. Cells of all bacteria, fungi and viruses are negatively charged. This allows Anasphere Plus™ to attach to negatively charged outer cell walls of microbial pathogens and ultimately destroy them.
Anabec’s Anasphere Plus™ offers the best science the world has to offer. Anasphere Plus™ is effective against most pathogens currently affecting the world. It is an EPA registered disinfectant and has over 140 kill claims, including but not limited to:
  • Hepatitis B & C virus
  • Herpes Simplex type 1 & 2 Virus
  • HIV-1 (AIDS virus)
  • MRSA
  • Influenza (All Strains)
  • Measles Virus
  • Noro Virus
  • COVID-19
This product is a disinfectant, fungicide, mildewstat and virucide. It is powerful and reliable, perfect for high-traffic businesses as well as places containing people with sensitive immune systems like schools and medical facilities. Add Anasphere Plus™ to your hospital or office's regular cleaning regimen to keep patients and employees safe against disease. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, proper sanitization with an EPA-approved cleaner is more important than ever. Choose Anasphere Plus™ for a premium school, office, hospital, and medical facility cleaning product.
Anasphere Plus™ concentrate is available in 1 quart, 2 quarts, 4 quarts or 12 quarts to a box. To order Anasphere Plus™, contact us now!

Anasphere Plus Concentrate

  • Anasphere Plus™ is NOT to be SOLD in Alaska, Hawaii or California
    Anasphere Plus™ is NOT FOR USE ON CPVC Piping and Fittings
  • *Bulk pricing applies to full pallet orders. Full pallet is defined as 36 5-gal pails or 3 55-gal drums with the exception of Anasphere-Plus, 100 1-qt bottles, and Anafresh, 12 1-qt bottles. Pallets of 5-gal pails may be  contain mixed product to meet bulk pricing. For more information on individual products please visit                 

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